World Environment Day (June 5) is the biggest international day for the environment. Led by the United Nations Environment Programmed (UNEP), and held annually since 1973, it has grown to
Along with the Feast Days of St Francis and Mother Clara, we celebrated Covenant Companion Paige Samdal’s Reception into Postulancy. Paige has been a Covenant Companion with our Wheaton Franciscan Community
Beginning with the arrival of our General Council, the Wheaton Franciscan Community gathered in mid-September for the Regional Assembly to discern direction for the next 3 years and to recommend
From September to October 2023, the JPIC Team in the Indonesian Province carried out various activities, especially during the Seasons of Creation and the Feast of St. Francis. The JPIC
In April 2023 our Mission FCJM completed 2 years in Nickerie Suriname. The name of our community is St. Liborius. The location of the community house is just nearby St.Yosep
Laodato Si Week The sisters in Malawi celebrated Laodato si week by cleaning the neighborhood and planting flowers and other plants. They also invite the community and children in the
A Day for Grandparents and Grandchildren on the Theme of “Water”. We invited to actions on the theme “Water”: “Francis, the water and us!”, a vacation day for grandparents with
Season of Creation At ‘Klooster Alverna’, we participated fully in the Season of Creation. At the center was a sculpture of Mother Earth made by Sister José. Mother Earth is
Sr. M. Magdalena and Sr. Mariana visited Brazil from February 8 to 21, 2024. They had a Regional Meeting with the sisters in Brazil with the theme “Fraternity and social
On February 2, 2024, Sr. M. Editha returned to Indonesia and will continue her ministry in the Province. We would like to thank Sr. M. Editha for her service in