In this day, the concern for the care of creation has reached serious proportions. Creation is a beautiful gift from God and is meant to be enjoyed and used appropriately for our needs. We take time to be grateful for all of the wonders of our planet: the majestic mountains, beauty of plains, the teaming of life in the seas, the stateliness of trees and the glamour of flowers. We recognize that our planet is being diminished because of our lack of respect for the use of the resources and the unfair distribution of the wealth from these resources. How we use, reuse and recycle has implications for the sustainability of our resources. Through our various programs we address our concerns for the environment. We teach gardening and proper care of our Earth.


Inspired by St. Francis, the patron saint of ecology, we develop and promote a spirituality and theology of ecology. We advocate for an awareness of the violations of human rights when land is being acquired without adequate consideration of the common good.