Union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary which is nurtured continuously in Prayer, in Communion and in Ministry. “‘ONE HEART WITH GOD’ (FC XXVIII).

This union becomes an inner fire and an inner force like Jesus who was sent to come like a flame to the world. The flame becomes a burning love that radiates light to humanity, love becomes an energizer and purifier in every struggle of every Sister’s life to bring universal blessings first of all to the abandoned, the sick and carry out other works of love. (cf. Jer 20:9)


“The Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, burning with love, are the strength to bring blessings to oneself, the community, the Church, society and all creation.


Let love be the queen, the rule, the spirit and the life of the Congregation.


To become Love Witnesses of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


To give witness to the Love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary inspired by the Seraphic Saint Francis of Assisi and Mother Maria Clara Pfänder by:

  • Ceaseless prayer for the Church, especially through perpetual adoration before the Blessed Sacrament (Const. No.3) and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Const. Early C III (L III) p. 90)
  • Caring for abandoned children, the sick, the disabled, orphanages and formal and non-formal education. (Const.No.3)
  • Perform works of charity in accordance with the needs of the times (Const. No.3, 10, cf. 1 Jn 4:16, Mt 25:35).
  • Actively participate in the mission of Christ by striving for justice, peace and the integrity of creation. (Const. nos. 8, 10, 42)
  • Living wisely and critically in a digitalized world (cf. Christus Vivit no.86).


(The distinctive and intimate experience of union with Christ and the understanding of this reality, granted freely by God)

 Seraphic mysticism: a heart that loves, a heart that has inner strength and does not give up easily, a heart that is gentle, compassionate and forgiving (cf. Isa 6:2).

  1. Mystic of the Passion: a heart willing to sacrifice in order to be a true bearer of the cross for the love of the crucified Jesus so that one may receive the palm of eternal life (cf. Light into the Darkness, pp. 68-69).
  2. The Mystic of Poverty: a heart that remains firm and steadfast in Divine Providence, a heart that remains grateful and modest in spite of the need to sacrifice everything to the crucified One (Const. No. 1,9, Lk 2:35, Eph 6:10-20).

 Spiritual Image

  1. Glorifying God through prayer and Eucharist, prostration, meditation on the word of God, devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Divine Office, devotion to St. Francis of Assisi and Mother Maria Clara Pfänder and devotion to the saints.
  2. Cultivate silence, allowing us to listen to God and share our faith in community prayer (FC XIV)
  3. Fostering a prayerful attitude and whole life; not only being a pray-er, but also being prayer itself.
  4. Embody the soul and life of prayer in the ministry (Const. Nos. 32-41).


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Our chapel in Netherland

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13 Indonesian sisters are sharing their experinces with Sr. Magdalena Schmitz, our General Superior during their Pace e Bene programme in Rome.


Sr. Magdalena is visiting our sisters in Netherland. They are praying together in the chapel.