Aspirancy /Pre-Postulancy
This stage is an introductory period for those who are interested and attracted to the way of life of the FCJM Sisters. It gives them the opportunity to get to know the congregation and vice versa.
In this stage, they will undergo the formation of their human personality and begin to learn about the life of the FCJM where Love is the Queen, the Rule, the Spirit and the Life of the Congregation.
It is a period of intensive formational process to learn and experience the congregational way of life so as to live the Love that emanates from the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, proving their commitment and qualifications.
Temporary Vows
This period is the formative time for Sisters who have completed their novitiate and made temporary vows. They live in communities and strive to internalize the values of the FCJM vocation and finally are able to make the decision to commit themselves definitively to the Congregation.
On-going Formation
The FCJM understands that formation is a lifetime process. This period is an integral part of the formation and upgrading the quality of being an FCJM Sister to really be a blessing to humanity and all of creation.