Sr. M. Emmanuela Sitorus FCJM

Parental contribution

Good example of parents brought a lot of positive impact to their children. This is my history why do I have a vocation to religious life.

My parents brought me up to the understanding how to dedicate oneself to God. Active parents will inspire their children to be active too, whether it’s in society, in church, or in any kind of movements, and any kinds of deeds like generosity, hard work, calmness and peace. I was small, but I capture all the goodness, kindness and positive values they lived.

Mainly my father was a good motivator, a good reader. He brought home any news papers he found. He likes writing short articles in our Parish Magazine “Parbarita”. I was one of the readers of this magazine. Since there was no cellphone, no game to watch in TV, this magazine become my favorite book. The most page which I like was the story about different Saints man and women. Their stories were touched me, shape my faith and grow seed in my heart.  I want to be like those saints, so cool. Desire to be a nun or sister was grown in this house, in front of good example of my parents, my family. I was small but I captured what it means.

Experience Contribution

I got older and finished Secondary School level. My father looked for the best High School level in the city of Pematangsiantar, namely Budi Mulia. At this school there were many candidates of one Congregation. Later I knew that this Congregation called Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary, Our Lady of Good help (KYM). Some of them were my classmates. Through them the seed to be a sister was growing stronger in me. But where? I don’t know, but not in this place, not in this KYM Congregation. Strange! My knowledge about other Congregations was zero, no idea. Months I was in a lot of struggle, not searching but waiting for an inspiration.

Finally, I told my father who came to visit me one day in town where I lived. I share him my struggle and my desire, that I want to become a sister and if possible to change school too. Between happy and not happy, because where else to find another school. Wasting time, energy and money.

The story went on until I got stack for one semester. I have to stop school until a new school term begin. After searching three different schools, at the end I found where I settled well called Balige, about one-hour distance by bus from my home. Here, I finished my High school, my aspirancy, my postulancy together with more than another 20 aspirants. I have a happy life in this place, not looking back at all.

In this time, I had no idea, who is St. Francis of Assisi, M. Clare Pfaender, FCJM. What I knew is that I want to be a sister in this place, in this Congregation.

Daily lesson on our vocation, on our religious life, brought me to the understanding of who we are with our vocation, and the vocation of many others who have called to holiness. It was remained me again of the stories of Saints at my childhood.

God is good

I am grateful with my parents, siblings, and so many others who support me so much on my way. I am grateful with all my classmates the naughty one, the good one, we grew together, we laugh together, sad together and in the end, we managed together.

God is good, He take care all my ups and down journey, until one day, I say yes to my final vows to be a definite member of our beloved Congregation, FCJM, living the spirit and charism of our founder Mother Clara Pfaender and St. Francis of Assisi. “I am the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to your word.”-Luke 1:38, is my motto which enable be to go ahead and endure my journey.

The more experienced, the more matured enable me to accept and carry out trusted tasks, even tasks outside my thinking and comfort zone. Trusted and believe in God’s guidance and goodness, I say yes to an assignment even when I must go abroad such, Africa. The openness to God’ guidance and goodness enable me to carry the task with confidence, no matter how difficult it is, it will be able to get through it, and become a stepping stone for the next task and challenges.

The next task, which is a big thing for me is where I am now. To be a member of General Council in Rome, away from my homeland. With hope, God will do the rest, when I can only try my best with all my strength and limitation. I am the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to your word.