We called to care for the sick whom they met


Through our exceptional health care services, we reveal the healing
presence of God.


The FCJM charism of providing care to the sick has been embedded since the very beginning of the Congregation in Olpe, Germany. They were moved to care for the sick whom they met. The sisters also conducted home care, especially for the poor who were sick and could notafford medical treatment. In 1866, during the Prussian-Austrian War, Mother Clara and her sisters provided care to war-wounded soldiers, young girls in Germany, and sick people who needed care.

These health services are continued to this day. FCJMs in other countries generally provide health services in hospitals and several health sectors, from villages to cities. The healthcare ministry develops according to the needs of the times. Before providing services, the sisters are trained and equipped with knowledge and skills according to the rules of the country. Today, sisters who work in the healthcare area are doctors, nurses, midwives, physiotherapists, ergotherapists, speech therapists, analysts, and pharmacists.


Sr. Johana is a doctor. She works in a hospital in Germany.


Health and medical services or ministry have become important pastoral outreach for the FCJM Sisters in Indonesia. They run and serve health clinics in rural, remote areas, Rehabilitation Centers for disabled people, and diocesan hospitals. Many of them have become nurses, physiotherapists, doctors, and speech therapists.


Catholic schools run by the FCJM Congregation contribute to the formation of the children’s personality by living a disciplined life

Timor Leste

Some of our sisters work in the health clinic. They work as nurses there.