The Lord calls us to be His disciples


"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in
the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit"
(Mt 28:19).


God entrusted us to the mission of proclaiming the Good News. He has sent His Son and the Holy Spirit to save all people and to bring them to the knowledge of the truth” (1Tim 2:4). The FCJM sisters as members of the Church are called and participate in the mission to announce the Good News. This is done in various ways such as catechesis or pastoral care in the Church, formation of children, youth, and parents in the Church, formation of children in boarding schools, and home visits. They are also sensitive and concerned about the needs of the people they meet.

As in Brazil, the sisters make home visits to local communities and provide assistance to families to lighten their burdens. One of the efforts made by the sisters is empowerment and building skills of women in Curuá area, Brazil. The sisters help these women by providing land and assisting them in farming. This is expected to improve the family economy and enhance the skills of the local community.

In Romania, sisters are active in the pastoral care of the church as catechists. They prepare children for their first communion and confirmation, and various categorical activities within the church. They are also involved in the pastoral care of the elderly by providing care, prayers, and spiritual accompaniment.

In Indonesia, the sisters are actively involved in providing pastoral care in the churches where their communities are located. They are engaged in catechesis, accompanying children, youth, and the elderly. There is also formation for children of school age within their dormitories and schools.


Catholic schools run by the FCJM Congregation contribute to the formation of the children’s personality by living a disciplined life.


The ministerial work and services done by the FCJM Sisters are also visible in the parishes, where they become catechists and chaperones for high school girls and boys, serve in the churches on Sundays, and provide retreat facilities.


Catholic schools run by the FCJM Congregation contribute to the formation of the children’s personality by living a disciplined life

Timor Leste

Catholic schools run by the FCJM Congregation contribute to the formation of the children’s personality by living a disciplined life