World Oceans Day

World Oceans Day

World Oceans Day (June 8, 2024) : Awaken New Depths. The ocean sustains humanity and all life on earth. Nonetheless, despite our utter reliance on it, we have only ever explored ~10%. While we know little of the ocean compared to its immense vastness, what we do know is that the consequences of our actions are evident throughout its waters. The knowledge on the ocean’s dire state is clear. Still, each year humanity continues to make shallow and short-sighted decisions that further the likelihood of the ocean’s, as well as our own, demise. We don’t have time for “out of sight, out of mind.” Our relationship to the ocean needs to urgently change, and our efforts have only skimmed the surface to date. To motivate widespread momentum for the ocean, we need to awaken new depths. This year’s United Nations World Oceans Day (UN WOD) celebrates the theme Awaken New Depths In celebration of the 2024 event, the United Nations are joining forces with decision makers, scientists, private sector executives, civil society representatives, indigenous communities, celebrities and youth activists to underscore how earth is more than it may seem and finally put the ocean first.

This ocean day is dedicated to raising promoting the sustainable about the crucial role that oceans play in our lives, promoting the sustainable management of the world’s oceans, and inspiring action to protect marine environments. Various governments have acted decisively to reduce over-fishing, reduce marine pollution, address climate change and increase marine protected areas near their shores. On reducing marine pollution, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, with the support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), announced a New Plastics Economy initiative to re-think and re-design plastic packaging and replace plastics with sustainable materials. The GEF and the UN Environment Program (UNEP) announced US$2 million to support the Trash Free Seas Alliance, which aims to prevent plastic from leaking into oceans. Several countries have actually banned the production and use of plastic bags.

Plastic pollutions are not the only major threat to our oceans. Warming ocean temperature and acidification also threaten many species that depend on one another for survival. All of our oceans are connected. Indeed, life on this planet began in the sea and oceans sustain our life and regulate our climate. They provide us with food and medicine. They help to regulate oxygen and carbon dioxide. Every species in the ocean plays a role in keeping the sea balanced and healthy. Scientific innovation and ecological consciousness must work together to protect oceans and ensure sustainable use of marine resources.

Creator of life, we thank you for the oceans of our planet from which all life emerged and which continue to sustain all life! Oceans gift us with food, warming and cooling currents, beauty and awe, power and peace. Oceans are the life blood of our Earth, flowing around its surface and connecting us all to one another. Thank you for calling us at this moment in human history to respect, protect and honor oceans today and every day. We dedicate ourselves a new to this responsibility.