23 Postulants Entered the Novitiate in the Indonesian Province

23 Postulants Entered the Novitiate in the Indonesian Province

FCJM Indonesia Province continues to be a prosper ground for the vocation of young people. The presence of sisters in different countries attracts them to join the Congregation. Yearly, the Indonesian Province welcomes many prospective sisters who want to anchor together in God’s call. We should be grateful for this gift. Coinciding with the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, the General Directress, Sr. M. Magdalena Schmitz received 18 Postulants into the Novitiate in Sinaksak, Pematangsiantar, Indonesia. A few days later, 5 Postulants also entered the novitiate in Timor Leste, received by Sr. M. Theresiana Haloho (as FCJM Delegate for Timor Leste). This became a significant moment in their spiritual journey, marking the first step in religious life with devotion and love. In addition to the new religious habit they receive, they also receive a new name, named after the Saints who are their patrons.

In his homily, Father Feri Ara, who presided over the Eucharistic celebration at Sinaksak, expressed his amazement at the changes after the new novices put on the new habit.

” After wearing religious habit, they look more radiant.”

The celebrant expressed spiritual and physical transformation that symbolized a deeper commitment to God and community life.

Father Feri Ara continued that this milestone event happened because we recognize each other, love each other, and care for each other. We have a loving and devoted relationship with each other. The relationship does not always go smoothly; there are challenges. This is also an integral part of living together in a religious community. “Indeed, our presence and community are a gift from God for which we should be grateful every day,” said Father Feri Ara. Sr. M. Magdalena, General Directress of the FCJM Congregation, stated that our being here today is because of the love that emanates from our FCJM spirituality.

“Today, Mother Clara Pfaender would have been proud to see so many sisters present, full of joy in this celebration. These words reflect our deep gratitude and appreciation for the spiritual heritage that our Foundress, Mother Clara Pfaender, has instilled in us.

Sisters from communities around Pematangsiantar were present for the investiture and Eucharistic celebration. Likewise in Timor Leste, all our sisters were very happy to welcome the five new novices. Also, it was very heartening that the FCJM sisters in different countries supported us and we were united in our joy.

We extend our congratulations to the novices who have just received their new habit as a symbol of simplicity. May this first step be the beginning of a journey filled with God’s grace and love. May they continue to grow in faith, hope, and love and be a source of inspiration to us all.

With gratitude, we support you in this new beginning with prayers and accompaniment, especially by the formators, asking for God’s guidance and blessings so that you are always given strength and steadfastness in living out your religious vocation, Sr. M. Theodosia concluded her speech.