Eight FCJM Sisters in Salzkotten Celebrated Their Jubilee in Religious Life

Eight FCJM Sisters in Salzkotten Celebrated Their Jubilee in Religious Life

The celebration of gratitude for the religious lives of eight FCJM sisters in Germany was a joyful and solemn occasion. Some of them have been living their vows of religious life for 25, 65, 70, and 75 years. This would not have been possible without the support of their families and the sisters in FCJM, the formators, and the leaders.

Their perseverance has stood the test of time, through hardships and joys. Throughout those years, the sisters have been hand in hand in building the Kingdom of The Lord on Earth through their ministries in the congregation.

The Eucharist was held in the Franciscan Mother House Chapel in Salzkotten, Germany, on Saturday, June 15, 2024 and was presided by Bishop Josef Holtkotte, Bishop of Paderborn. The ceremony was held with grace and solemnity.

Prior to the celebration, the Jubilarians took time to reflect and share their gratitude for their religious life in our congregation. The silent moment was led by Jesuit Father Dr Thomas Gertler SJ who traveled from Frankfurt for this occasion.

In his address during the Eucharistic celebration, Auxiliary Bishop Holtkotte referenced the Gospel story of Emmaus. Like the disciples who encountered and embraced Christ on their personal journeys of faith, the ceremony fostered communion and fellowship, celebrating the presence of God among all present.

The Bishop further underscored the unique ways in which individuals hear God’s call. The Jubilarians, who committed to religious life many years ago, have made significant contributions to various church ministries through the FCJM Congregation. They have navigated the highs and lows of religious life with steadfast faith, trusting in God’s enduring presence.

This historic celebration was attended by FCJM sisters and guests, who witnessed the jubilarians renewal of vows which they professed at the outset of their religious journeys. The ceremony concluded with a special blessing from the bishop, followed by a warm gathering where greetings and joyful embraces were exchanged.