Socialization of Encyclical Laudato Si

Socialization of Encyclical Laudato Si

We see that the Encyclical Laudato Si is not very familiar among FCJM Indonesia. So in the month of the ninth anniversary of the Encyclical Laudato Si, a socialization of the Encyclical Laudato Si was held for FCJM sisters in the Province of Indonesia online.

This socialization was made in two batches because of the time difference between Indonesia and Timor Leste.  The speakers for this socialization were RP. Fridus Derong OFM. This socialization is aimed at making the sisters familiar with the contents of the Encyclical Laudato Si and thus more sensitive to the needs of our earth and willing to move to act for the salvation of the earth and everything in it. (Sr. Monica Harianja FCJM)