Visit of Sr. M. Magdalena in the French Sector

Visit of Sr. M. Magdalena in the French Sector

Sr. M. Magdalena visited our French Sisters again. She arrived in Ban St. Martin on June 21 and already the next day the jubilee of the Sisters, Sr. M. Aimee Ditsch (70 years), Sr. M. Celine Haudidier and Sr. M. Yolande Ehl (65 years) was celebrated.

The jubilarians Sr. M. Domitille Kremeur (70 years) and Sr. M. Francoise Weber (65 years), who live in the nursing home in Jouy aux Arches, were included in the prayer and visited. Their jubilee celebration will take place in September with Sisters from the local community in the nursing home chapel.

On the evening of the jubilee day, Sr. M. Magdalena, Sr. M. Leonarde and Sr. M. Yolande went to Abreschviller, as a concluding Eucharist and communion celebration was planned for the next day at the Franciscans in Belle Fontaine. In the pilgrims’ church there, thanks were expressed for the valuable presence, the helpful service and the fraternal relationship between our sisters and the Franciscans. It was a warm togetherness and a conscious farewell. On June 24, the official closing ceremony of our Abreschviller community took place.

Numerous priests, employees, friends and residents gathered for the Eucharistic celebration in the chapel of St. Veronique. At the reception that followed in the courtyard garden, Sr. M. Magdalena recalled the history of our Sisters in Abreschviller and gave thanks for the life and service of Sr. M. Yo-lande (1965 – 2024) as the responsible cook, as the legendary St. Nicholas and in numerous ways as an attentive caretaker. Gratitude was also expressed for Sr. M. Leonarde, who was active in nursing, pastoral care and nursing home leadership from 1980 – 2024. All the Sisters who were ever active in St. Veronique and made it a real home were included in the thanksgiving to God. Let us accompany our Sisters in prayer, who will return to the motherhouse after the Mass of thanksgiving in the parish and numerous visits at the end of August!