International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer (September 16)

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer (September 16)

The United Nations’ (UN) International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer is celebrated on September 16 every year. 2024 World Ozone Day theme – Montreal Protocol: Advancing Climate Action. This event commemorates the date of the signing of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in 1987.  24 countries met and agreed to rid themselves of substances that were slowly damaging earth’s ozone layer and leading to an alarming increase in melanoma skin cancer in both the northern and southern hemispheres.  This situation prompted the international community to cooperatively undertake immediate actions to protect the ozone layer.  Scientific knowledge and technical developments made this rapid response possible and the success of these efforts are seen in the gradual restoration of earth’s ozone layer.  With the threat of climate change still looming before us, the response of the global community to the ozone crisis reminds us that international, unified efforts undertaken in good faith can succeed when based on science, technical innovation and cooperation. 

Creator God, we thank you for the gift of Earth, our common home.  We also thank you for guiding our successful efforts to protect the ozone layer that shields our planet.  Guide us as we seek ways to further protect Earth from climate change.  Inspire national leaders across the globe to embark on concrete urgent actions to fulfill their commitments to the Paris Climate Agreements.  Give us all courage and persistence in our efforts to demand immediate governmental actions.  Bless us all.