Go! You Are Sent

Go! You Are Sent

Language is the most important for missionaries. It is the priority of all things needed before leaving for the mission land. Two Indonesian FCJM Sisters, Sr. M. Valentina Purba FCJM and Sr. M. Ruth Elvienci FCJM were equipped with Dutch language courses in the FCJM community of Alverna, Netherlands for three full months.

The sisters of the Alverna community facilitated the two sisters very well. Sr. M. Auxiline Bergen FCJM as the Regional Superior of FCJM in the Netherlands welcomed them gladly, supported them, and provided all their needs during the course.

Both sisters admitted that they were very happy to live with the sisters in the Alverna community, they were really prepared as future missionaries to Suriname. Not only language, but also mental, spiritual life, and practical things that support their ministry in the mission area.

“It was a beautiful and unforgettable experience. Three months in the Netherlands made me realize that life is full of surprises. I can live together without knowing the language because of the sense of sisterhood. I am very grateful to be able to learn this language in the Netherlands because I feel like learning with my own family,” said Sr. Valentina.

In addition, she was also very impressed with all the people she met in the Netherlands, especially the FCJM sisters, language teachers, and staff.

“They are so friendly, patient, and also always help me to grow in learning. Even though there are many mistakes in grammar, the sisters and people here are patient and help me to improve my language,” added Sr. Valentina.

Meanwhile, Sr. Ruth who is still a Junior Sister also experienced similar feelings.

“The experience of love in sisterhood is soothing and nourishing to the soul. Being in a foreign country, but not feeling foreign, because of the openness of the Sisters at Klooster Alverna. The fear that initially rumbled, weakened when there was a sense of openness and acceptance of one another,” Sr. Ruth said passionately.

She honestly admitted that when she arrived in the Netherlands in the first days, she was very confused and awkward. She was afraid of what to do and how to behave because they were learning Dutch from scratch. However, as time went by, it was all fear and wrong thinking.

“The Sisters here understand our limitations and also know the purpose of our arrival, which is to learn Dutch. They are also patient and slow when communicating with us.   This helped me a lot in the language learning stage. The language barrier does not make us feel like strangers, but more embraced. The lecturers chosen were also very kind, patient and clear when teaching us. We are also given the freedom to communicate and interact with the people in this place,” said Sr. Ruth.

One thing that impressed Sr. Ruth the most was the patience of the lecturers in teaching them. When they make a mistake, they don’t mock or get angry, but tell them the right word to use.

“Because I am very amazed by the love that the Sisters give to each other. Age is not a barrier to respect, serve and interact with each other,” Sr. Ruth said again.

Sr. Valentina and Sr. Ruth departed from the Alverna community on November 10, 2024. A festive farewell and mission was given especially for both of them. They admired the love of all the sisters, lecturers, and all the people they met there. Feeling accepted, supported, and loved made them truly ready to start their missionary work in Suriname.

“Love is the main key in doing everything. I hope that in the mission field, I can also truly have and share that love in every ministry. Open myself and accept the assignment with a joyful heart and always be grateful for the blessed opportunity that I can receive. Being resilient and always relying on God in this journey of life,” concluded the two sisters.

A big thank you to the FCJM sisters in the Netherlands who are the mothers of the FCJM sisters in the Indonesian Province. Just as a mother prepares and equips her child to go overseas, so the love of the sisters from the Netherlands prepares each Indonesian sister to begin mission work in Suriname.

“Go, you are sent,” was Jesus’ call to his disciples. May the language and spiritual provision of the Dutch sisters be a strength of faith for the two missionary candidates.

Written by Sr. Angela Siallagan and Translated by Fr. Matheus Ro, SVD