International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (November 25)

Worldwide, violence against women affects approximately 1 of every 3 women at some time in her life. Because women are often viewed as less than fully human, a woman’s right to equality and respect is often not protected. Most of the violence against women is hidden within families and society, and sometimes even justified by cultural and/or religious norms. This day is a day to bring violence against women out into the open and to denounce it as the violation of human rights that it is. It is also a day to identify cultural and religious teachings and practices that are often used to justify such abuse and to demand equality for women in all aspects of life and at all levels of decision-making. Most of all, this is a day for all women to call for equal protection under the law. We urge all of us to wear orange on that day to call attention to the global effort to eliminate all forms of violence against women.
Spirit of God, we ask you to strengthen and comfort all women who suffer from sexual, psychological or physical violence. Open our hearts and our eyes to see the suffering of so many women and give us the courage to demand and act for justice for all of them. Help us in our quest for equal protection for women under the law, no matter their economic status, their educational level or their country of residence. Inspire us to unmask violence against women wherever it exists and to dismantle structures that justify it or allow this violence to persist.