Sr. M. Bernadette van Wijngaarden FCJM was born on March 5, 1939 in Bussum. For 59 years she was a member of the FCJM Congregation. She passed away on March
Sr. M. Yohana Simbolon FCJM was born in Tebing Tinggi, North Sumatra, Indonesia on November 11, 1968. She entered Postulancy on November 1, 1988 and took her final vows on
Sr. M. Adelheide Lübke FCJM joined the FCJM Congregation on July 31, 1959 and took her final vows on May 19, 1967. The motto she lived was: “Into your hands
Sr. M. Wilharde Schrapper FCJM joined the FCJM Congregation on August 5, 1952 and made her perpetual vows on May 19, 1958. Her life motto was “The LORD is my
Sr. M. Marta Simamora was born in Sijarango, Pakkat, North Sumatra, Indonesia on July 25, 1954. She entered Postulancy on June 9, 1973 and her Final Vows on June 20,