International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

International Day in Support of Victims of Torture (June 26). According to Human Rights Law, torture is defined as any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or psychological, is intentionally inflicted on a person in which a public official is directly or indirectly involved for a specific reason. Torturers are seen as the ‘enemy of all humankind’. It is considered so barbaric and incompatible with the civilized society that it cannot be tolerated. Torture is not only an illegal act, but immoral as well. It violates the human dignity to which every person has a right. In 1948, the international community condemned torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. In 1975, responding to vigorous activity by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. In 1981 the UN’s Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture was established to victims and their families. Not only does torture seek to dehumanize its victims, it also robs the torturers of their humanity by robbing them of empathy, compassion and human dignity. NGO’s have been critical to uncovering torture around the world and in bringing perpetrators to justice. They have also been instrumental in creating programs for the treatment of victims so that they can begin to heal physically, mentally and spiritually from the effects of torture. There are no circumstances that can justify the use of torture—neither the “war on terror”, the “war on drugs”, nor any crime or suspected crime. Torture is never acceptable!

God of compassion and love, fill us with your grace, that we may recognize your presence in one another and honor the human dignity of every person. Give us courage to reject any argument that seeks to justify torture.

Protect us as we call on governments around the world to condemn all forms of torture and as we act to prevent its use. Touch the heart of those who inflict torture. Cause them to look into the eyes of their victims and see their brother or sister as the human person that they are, deserving of respect and due process under the law. Help us as we struggle to heal all those who have suffered from painful, inhumane or degrading abuse. Restore them to health and bring them the experience of your healing love through the compassion and kindness of others.