

Laodato Si Week

The sisters in Malawi celebrated Laodato si week by cleaning the neighborhood and planting flowers and other plants. They also invite the community and children in the school to participate in showing love to the environment and others by maintaining and keeping the environment clean, loving and respecting others. Sister Raynelda made pastoral visits to people’s homes showing love and care for the community and the poor. These visits bring joy and warmth to the hearts of the people who are visited.

Pray for World Peace

In accordance with the call of Pope Francis and the letter given by the JPIC Coordinator of the FCJM Congregation. We also took part in praying together for world peace. All students and teachers were very enthusiastic in praying together for world peace. This joint Rosary prayer is carried out in each class led by their respective class teachers. (Sr. M. Raynelda Saragih FCJM)