JPIC News from the Netherlands

JPIC News from the Netherlands

Season of Creation

At ‘Klooster Alverna’, we participated fully in the Season of Creation. At the center was a sculpture of Mother Earth made by Sister José. Mother Earth is a tall thin figure without arms with eyes that ask for our compassion while looking at us critically. Around this image we held moments of reflection, read from Laudato Si, talked about the exploitation of the earth through too much consumption, watched movies, and above all marveled at the beauty and strength of the earth. In great gratitude and full of respect for the elements that make life possible for us, we paused each day to contemplate Creation in a different way. It was a busy time but our commitment to climate issues grew, as did our love for Mother Earth.

Visit from the Pace e Bene Group

In the middle of this September month, the Pace e Bene group of 13 sisters from Indonesia came to Klooster Alverna for a day. Together with 9 German sisters, they came from Salzkotten to greet us. We were happy to have the chance to share the rich tableau about Creation with our fellow sisters. And in turn the sisters let us dance and sing, very pleasant.

St Francis Day

We concluded the Season of Creation on Saint Francis Day with a celebration in which Laudato Si, the Synod and the renewal of the monastic vows came together beautifully. After a festive meal and subsequent afternoon rest, we spent the afternoon making small collages from what we found in the woods: beechnuts, leaves, acorns, chestnuts, etc. Being creative ourselves in harmony with each other was a beautiful ending of St Francisday and the Season of Creation.

Sister Andre and Sister Atanasia on a Visit

The entire month of September Sr Andre and Sr Athanasia were in the Netherlands to draw attention in many places to their good works for Sinar Pelangi. The presentation both gave of their work touched us. So much dedication to the less fortunate, so much fun and togetherness. As Sr Andre said, this is only possible by trusting in the Lord!


Throughout the summer there were volunteers who went once a week with a Riskja into the water catchment area, between Aerdenhout and the sea. Several sisters had not been in this dune area for so long. It was a great joy that volunteers just make this possible. Thus, we also connected ourselves in this way with the Season of Creation, that is, with Creation.

Our Dream

As the community of sisters in the Netherlands is shrinking, space is opening up in the house for new residents. The 3rd floor of the Francis building was vacated this spring. After a renovation it was ready in early October for 14 young adults with intellectual disabilities to live here. They will be supervised by our home care organization. It is the sisters’ dream to make Klooster Alverna a home for different generations with different possibilities. Care and attention to what each one needs to flourish is the guiding principle, mindful of Mother M. Clara’s motto “help each other mutually in love”.

Sr Auxiline and Mrs Esther Vink, director of our home care organization. (Mirjam Wolthuis)