Life is a Gift, Rejoice in The Lord Always

Life is a Gift, Rejoice in The Lord Always

Childhood and Family Background:

Sr. M. Anastasia Samosir FCJM, her baptismal name Rumsi Renata Samosir was born on October 9, 1957 in Sangkarnihuta, Onan Runggu, on Samosir Island. She is the third of seven children, born to the late Mr. Agoni Samosir and the late Mrs. Riana Sitinjak, a family known to be religious and loving care. The warmth of his family and the strong Christian values instilled in her since her childhood, became the foundation of her deep and persevering journey of faith.

A Call to Religious Life:

From a young age, Rumsi Renata has felt a special calling in her life to serve God as a nun. This spiritual impulse led her to begin her journey in religious life at the age of 19.

On February 21, 1977, she entered the Postulancy and began her basic formation in religious life in the FCJM Congregation.

Two years later, on June 25, 1979, he entered the Novitiate, a period of deeper preparation for religious life.

On June 15, 1981, Sr. Anastasia made her First Vows, marking the beginning of her serious commitment to live fully for God. Six years later, on June 28, 1987, she professed Perpetual Vows, a lifelong commitment that demonstrated her fidelity to this vocation.

On October 30, 2004: Silver Jubilee (25 years of religious life) in P. Siantar

On December 8, 2019: Feast of 40 years of religious life in P. Siantar

Education and Ministry:

Sr. Anastasia Samosir is known as an intelligent and dedicated person, especially in the field of education. Throughout her life, she has contributed greatly in educating the younger generations, especially in the Catholic schools where she served.

In 1979 at BTB Balige High School, where she began to deepen her love for education.

After that, from July 1981 to June 1984, she continued her service as a teacher at Tanjung Balai Junior High School. However, her service as an educator did not prevent her from continuing to improve her knowledge. She continued her studies at IKIP Medan, majoring in English from June 1984 to July 1986 and stayed in Jl. Sei Padang community, Medan.

After completing her studies, Sr. Anastasia returned to teach at Onan Runggu Junior High School from July 1986 to July 1991. During this time, she was known as a patient, wise, and compassionate teacher towards her students. Not only teaching subjects, but Sr. Anastasia also taught life values that shaped the character of her students.

From July 1991 to June 1995, she taught in Gunung Sitoli, Nias.

June 1995 to June 1999, she continued her further studies at IKIP Medan, majoring in English.

From June 1999 to December 2001, he served as Principal of Jl. Anggrek Junior High School in Medan. This ministry assignment gave her more responsibility as the school was still in the start-up phase.

January 2001 to July 2002, she took responsibility in pastoral work in Labu Baru, Pekan Baru.

July 2002 to July 2004, he taught at SMK Asisi, Jl. Asahan, Pematangsiantar

Struggle against illness and dedication until the end of her life:

In 2006-2008, Sr. Anastasia was diagnosed with breast cancer, a big challenge in her life. She underwent surgery, medication and chemotherapy at Elisabeth Hospital in Medan. Despite the long and tough recovery period, Sr. Anastasia remained strong and never lost her spirit. During this time, she lived in Monteluco community, Pematangsiantar, where she received full support from the sisters in her community.

After her recovery, Sr. Anastasia was again active in the ministry, as pastoral household in Labu Baru from 2008 to 2013.

Then she continued her service as Principal of Bakti Mulia Junior High School in Onan Runggu until February 2019. She then moved to Togizita for pastoral work until finally retiring in 2021 at Gratia Community, Pematangsiantar. In 2023 she moved from Gratia to St.Clara Community to maximize her routine treatment.

In late July 2024, Sr. Anastasia faced another ordeal in her life. She was diagnosed with stage 3B lung cancer after an examination at Elisabeth Hospital in Medan. Despite undergoing chemotherapy on August 30, 2024, her health deteriorated further. On September 20, 2024, she received a blood transfusion in preparation for the second chemotherapy, but the procedure had to be postponed due to her weakening physical condition.

On September 27, 2024, Sr. Anastasia returned to the community on Jl. Sei Padang and was rushed to the emergency room the next day. After a few days of hospitalization, Sr. M. Anastasia Samosir passed away on Thursday, October 3, 2024, at 05.03 WIB in St. Elisabeth Hospital Medan at the age of 67.

On October 3, 2024, at 11.20 WIB his body arrived in Pematangsiantar and was laid to rest at the FCJM Provincial RPM Hall, Pematangsiantar.

Sr. M. Anastasia Samosir will always be remembered as a loving person, resilient in the face of trials, and faithful in her devotion to God and others. In every ministry, whether as a teacher, principal, or in her pastoral works, Sr. Anastasia always gave her best with a full heart and her best joyful heart.

Goodbye dear Sr.M.Anastasia Samosir FCJM. Pray for us who are still on pilgrimage in this world.

Translated by Sister Emmanuela Sitorus FCJM