God Has Given You a Desire For Missions


You and I, today and always, are to bear witness of Jesus Christ and
declare the message of the salvation. Missionary work is a
manifestation of our spiritual identity and heritage.


Jesus said, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned (Mark 16:15-16). This was echoed and implemented by the FCJM sisters by expanding their missionary work to various countries by starting ministries. They go on mission to remote and needy areas, even though in times the area has changed and developed. The mission areas of the FCJM sisters are Brazil, Romania, Malawi, Timor Leste, and Suriname.

The sisters serve as missionaries of love with much sacrifice and effort. Their presence is primarily to give loveto the people of God and the local communities they encounter. Some of the ministries handled by FCJM missionaries are in the fields of education, health, spiritual formation, pastoral, and social. Over the years, themissionary work has grown and has attracted the interest of many people. The sisters try to provide assistance and relief to them, such as in Malawi, Africa they receive many students from kindergarten, elementary, tojunior high school level.

“Love is what gives value to all our works; it’s not thanks to the greatness and multitude of our works that we please God, but thanks to the love with which we do them,” said St. Francis Xavier, known as the greatmissionary and patron of missionaries.


FCJM Sisters in Romania serve in education.They are providing material support for children to go to school. They fully support and coordinate the Saint Ursula Kindergarten, through which 40 children from poor families benefit from education and material help.


Catholic schools run by the FCJM Congregation contribute to the formation of the children’s personality by living a disciplined life.

Malawi, Afrika

Catholic schools run by the FCJM Congregation contribute to the formation of the children’s personality by living a disciplined life

Timor Leste

Catholic schools run by the FCJM Congregation contribute to the formation of the children’s personality by living a disciplined life.


FCJM Sisters of Indonesian Province administer mission Suriname. They work in Pastoral and Education.