Roma 20th until 26th May, Sr. Tarcisia and Sr. Emmanuela participated “JPIC International Course Greccio and La Verna. Sources of Justice, Peace and Reconciliation” in Pontificate University Antonianum. This Course
Sister Generalate Community celebrates Earth Day on 21st April with prayer service. Our community committed to do the prayer outside behind our Chapel. This action bring us to deep reflection
JPIC Rome for Integrity Of Creation Working group celebrated the memoriam of Padre Julio Cesar Werlang MSF. He was a JPIC Promotor in Rome. He Died on 20th March 2024.
Sr. Sheila Kinsey participated in the Interfaith Dialogue at the Vatican on May 4 to 5, 2024 at the Vatican. She participated and gave input to all the participants by
On May 7 Sr Tarcisia, together with the JPIC working group and Migrants and Refugees of Rome, visited the Migrant and Refugee Center in Scalabrinian. There we met with the
From September to October 2023, the JPIC Team in the Indonesian Province carried out various activities, especially during the Seasons of Creation and the Feast of St. Francis. The JPIC
In April 2023 our Mission FCJM completed 2 years in Nickerie Suriname. The name of our community is St. Liborius. The location of the community house is just nearby St.Yosep
Laodato Si Week The sisters in Malawi celebrated Laodato si week by cleaning the neighborhood and planting flowers and other plants. They also invite the community and children in the
A Day for Grandparents and Grandchildren on the Theme of “Water”. We invited to actions on the theme “Water”: “Francis, the water and us!”, a vacation day for grandparents with
Season of Creation At ‘Klooster Alverna’, we participated fully in the Season of Creation. At the center was a sculpture of Mother Earth made by Sister José. Mother Earth is