Seven Wheaton Franciscan Sisters Celebrated Their Jubilee of Religious Life in FCJM Sisters

Seven Wheaton Franciscan Sisters Celebrated Their Jubilee of Religious Life in FCJM Sisters

The sound of music welcomed Sr. Alana Gorski, Sr. Sheila Kinsey, Sr. Bea Hernandez, Sr. Dawn Capilupo, Sr. Mary Lou Wirtz, Sr. Rose Mary Pint and Sr. Maureen Elfrink as they entered Our Lady of The Angels Chapel to celebrate their jubilees of religious life. They have been living their vows of religious life for 40, 60, 65, 70, and 75 years. It was a solemn celebration of love.

The sound of musical instruments and choir filled the chapel as the ceremony began. The Eucharist was presided by Father Tony Taschetta. Around 150 guests family, friends and covenant companions joined in the celebration.

Sister Glenna Marie Czachor gave the reflection during the Eucharist. She reminded us that Jesus called all of us to follow Him, regardless of our skills and expertise, just as he called Saint Francis of Assisi and Mother Clara Pfaender.

She told an interesting story about Saint Francis on that topic. One time, three young men came to him. They wanted to become members of his band of brothers and Saint Francis welcomed them and gave them time to introduce themselves.

The three young men came from different backgrounds and skills. One of them was a baker, one was a tailor, and one was a carpenter. St. Francis received the three of them and said: “Come. All of you are needed to be bakers, tailors, and carpenters for the poor.”

Mother Clara emphasized that it is all about love. Love what you do and love the people you do it for. Let love shine in every action, every encounter, every experience in your life. The point is not about what you do, so much as how you do it.

Jesus also invited our seven jubilarians into a life in the light of the Holy Spirit, so they become strong and full of love. They are an inspiration to the FCJM Sisters and all of us.

Just like St. Francis, Mother Clara welcomed these seven women who came to her. She asked them to introduce themselves. Three of them were nurses, one was a doctor, two were teachers, and one was a real estate agent. They were all welcomed by Mother Clara “All of you are needed to build our congregation. You are an inspiration to many people.”

“No manner of loving service for which the lord gives you opportunity shall be excluded fromor your loving concern for children, adults, for the healthy or the sick.”

Sister Glenna reminded those present that all of us called by God to share their gifts with others.

Following the reflection, the seven jubilarians renewed the vows which they professed at the beginning of their religious journeys. The ceremony concluded with a special blessing from Father Tony, followed by a gathering where warm greetings and joyful embraces were exchanged.