Socialization of Human Trafficking to Novice Sisters I & II in Sinaksak

Socialization of Human Trafficking to Novice Sisters I & II in Sinaksak

Seeing the increasing development of the crime of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO), we feel that in the initial development of FCJM it is necessary to be given socialization of handling TPPO to prevent and minimize cases of Human Trafficking that occur around the world, especially in Indonesia. So on April 24, 2024, Sr. Verena FCJM provided socialization of Human Trafficking to FCJM Novices in Sinaksak, Pematangsiantar.  Sr. Verena explained that Indonesia is where the largest number of victims and perpetrators of Human trafficking in Asia. The JPIC FCJM team hopes that through this socialization the novice sisters who will be sent later in their ministry are responsive to situations like this and can begin to socialize to people in their place of service and also to their respective families. Thus prevention can be done by all parties and hopefully can minimize the occurrence of victims of human trafficking. This socialization was closed by watching together with the children of Panti Pius the real story of human trafficking. (Sr. Monica Harianja FCJM)