Remembering Sr. M. Julie Walsh

Sr. Julie Walsh was born January 31, 1929, in County Mayo in the Republic of Ireland. At Baptism, she
was given the name Bridget Philomena by her parents, Julia (Earnor) and James Walsh. As a child she
was known as Bridie. Sister Julie is preceded in death by her parents, her sister Margaret Joyce, and her
brother, William Walsh. She is survived by her sister, Mary Shires, of London, England.
Bridie originally came to St. Louis, MO, to help with her sister, who had a young child. Her work in St.
Louis was with people of different cultures. To Bridie if felt like it was more like being a servant in
different homes. She valued people of all cultures. This became a lifelong passion for her. She was proud
of her Irish heritage and her mother’s fight for the rights of the Irish people. Her mother was even
imprisoned for this. In her later years, Sister Julie wrote a story of her mother’s struggles for freedom in

Bridget Philomena Walsh became a citizen of the United States in 1954. On April 19, 1955, Bridget
became a postulant with the Franciscan Sisters, Daughters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. She
received the habit of a Novice on November 21, 1955, and was given the name and title Sister Mary Julie
of the Sacred Heart. She professed her Perpetual Vows on August 22, 1960.
Sister Julie received her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from Marillac College in St. Louis in
August 1963. This began a long career serving in St. Louis, Milwaukee, and Wheaton. She even shared
her training with the students studying nursing at St. Patrick’s Residence in Naperville where she was a
resident for 7 years. This is something that she relished and was something very special to her.
Sister Julie was a lifelong learner. In July of 1990, she received a Master of Arts in Religious Education
with a concentration in Christian Thought and Culture. She was interested in nature, especially the
Cosmos and Spirituality. In her 90s, she wrote about Celtic Spirituality. She dedicated her life to the
service of others. After a long life of service, Sr. Julie passed on to eternal life on March 8, 2025.
She wanted to be remembered as understanding human nature and being compassionate, especially to the downtrodden. We pray now she will receive the reward for her total giving as she rests in the arms of our God.