Celebrating the Covenant Companion Recommitment of SharonDevo

The Wheaton Franciscan community rejoiced with Sharon Devo and her loved ones as she
recommitted to Covenant Companionship on Jan. 5, 2025. During a moving liturgy celebrating
the Epiphany, prayers were offered for Sharon as she read and signed her covenant. Her
province pin and Covenant Companion Way of Life booklet were blessed by Sr. Mary Lou Wirtz,
regional directress.

During the homily, Fr. Tony reminded everyone about the light of love that shines within us just
as the holy light was revealed to the Magi. Sharon’s light does indeed shine bright with her
family, friends, work, meditation, volunteering, art making, gardening, and more. As she
recommitted to Covenant Companionship, Sharon explained, “The covenant form of belonging
called to me to return as I deepened and matured in my living a Franciscan-hearted way of

Sharon has worked for the Wheaton Franciscans since 2010, serving as the advocacy
coordinator for Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation for two years and Tau Center, the
spiritual ministry of the Wheaton Franciscans, where she currently serves as director and
facilitates programs and retreats.
Sharon lives in Bartlett, IL, and has two adult sons, Ian and Ryan. This past year she traveled to
Sweden, Costa Rica, and Utah to celebrate her “year of 65.”
Written by Covenant Companion Sharon Niemet